Blog - Live Photos 2013. 04. 09 11:04

5月22日(水)に”Jazztronik Studio Live Best”のリリースLiveが代官山UNITで行われます!

年末にBillboard Live等では一度行っていますが、今度はそれをより長くより進化させたLiveです。



On the 22nd May, Wednesday, we will do a live show for “Jazztronik Studio Live Best”at Daikanyama Unit .

We have done for the album at Billboard etc.. at the end of last year; moreover, this will be an expanded and improved live.

Please check the previous page to learn the process and reasons how this live organised as the album releasing, while it has been a long time after bringing out. We had a couple of lives last month.


一つはフラメンコギタリストの沖仁さんとのBLUE NOTE TOKYOでのLive。沖さんの曲をやるのはもちろんですが久々に”MADRUGADA”を演奏しました!

この曲はなかなかギターがいないと演奏するのが難しかったりするのでJazztronikのLiveでも外されがちなのですが、久々だったせいもあるのかかなり燃えました。そもそも沖さんありきで作った曲なので。Liveの最中の MCで沖さんが「無名の僕をよく使ったなと思った。」と言ってましたが、当時から他とは違うもの凄く光る才能を放っていおりました沖さんは。なるべくして現在のこの沖仁人気があると思います。なんか4文字熟語みたいだな”沖仁人気”って(笑)。Jazztronikツアーにも参加してもらった事ありますが、これはいまや伝説ですが、全て曲がフラメンコになってしまうという(笑)。

“MADRUGADA”は5月のLiveでも鍵盤メインversionをやってみたいなぁ、、なんて思ってしまいました。他にもCHICK COREAの”SPAIN”をやってみたり。なかなか他のアーティストのLiveに参加する事の少ない僕としてはかなり楽しかったし新たな発見が色々とあったLiveでした!沖さんとは毎年の様にLive一緒にやりたいですね!というか今度は久々にJazztronikのLiveに参戦してもらいましょう。

First one was with the flamenco guitarist, Mr. Jin Oki at Blue Note Tokyo. Of course, we played Jin’s works and performed our tune “MADRUGADA” as well for the first time in many years!  Also, we performed “SPAIN” of Chick Corea. I really enjoyed myself as rarely taking part in the other artist’ live, and realised a lot of things!

Usually it is difficult to play “MADRUGADA” without a guitar,so we tend to exclude from our live, but at that time I was really burning maybe because of the first performance for a long while. This tune has been made due to Jin. During his talk in the live show, he mentioned “Ryota took me, even though I did not have any fame”, yet Jin has shined his very bright ability since then, which indeed leads his career to his current success.He has joined in our Jazztronik tour, which could be our legend; all of the music could become flamenco then.

I wished that we could do the “MADRUGADA” arranged by keyboard main version at the live show in May.I would like to do lives with Jin Oki every year, so will encourage him to join in our Jazztronik live next time.

For your information, “MADRUGADA” is contained in the album called “CARNNIBAL ROCK”.

You can listen to it here!

IMG_0872 IMG_0877 IMG_0880


ちなみに”MADRUGADA”は”CANNIBAL ROCK”というアルバムに収録されています。





Second one was at Vision in Shibuya. That was at a club event, and we represented our recent theme; using various machines but still playing live. See, Masa on drums played not only machines but also drums, and for me I looked aside but worked, not cheating. Fujiya-san on bass may be cheating because smiling. Nevertheless, we found many problems throughout the live show, so had a feedback meeting at backstage.


These are photos which a British artist and participant for the event, Gavin from “Copyright”, took hard through our performances. I had known him before met there and concerned since I saw he enjoyed taking photos. Did not expect such qualified pics!!I believe that the live on the 22nd May could be a milestone for the future Jazztronik, and as the second starting point for my “live” life. I wish all of you come there!! Please come over not only from Kanto region, but all over Japan!

Here is ticket information below.








5月22日はこれからのJazztronik、僕自身のLive人生第2スタート地点になるような 内容にしていけたらと思っています。是非皆さんに来て頂けたらと思っています!関東以外からも是非!



5/22(水)Jazztronik Studio Live Best Release Live @ 代官山UNIT

昨年末にリリースされたアルバム「Jazztronik Studio Live Best」のリリースライブが遂にALLスタンディングで開催決定!
大好評を得た、東京、大阪Billboard Live、名古屋Blue Noteで行ったライブとはひと味違った更なる熱狂を感じ取れるワンマンライブ!!!

Open 18:30 Start 19:30
前売り 4000円 当日4500円 (オールスタンディング)

3/1(金)12:00〜 3/11(月)18:00
イープラス 受付URL :

チケットぴあ 0570-02-9999 P-code 195-014
ローソンチケット 0570-084-003 L-code 72203
イープラス (PC・mobile)

SOGO TOKYO オンラインチケット

SOGO TOKYO 03-3405-9999

企画制作:Styrism inc.

—————Jazztronik Studio Live Best Release Live @ Daikanyama Unit on the 22nd May, Wednesday


The live for the album “Jazztronik Studio Live Best”, released  last year, will be held by all standing.

It is ultimately different from the one at the end of last year at Tokyo, and Osaka Billboard and Nagoya Blue Note. You can feel heat more!!


Open at 18:30 Start at 19:30

Advance ticket: JPY 4,000. The day’s tickets: JPY 4,500 (All Standings)


<HP Pre-reservation>

From the noon, 1 March, Friday, to 6pm, 11 March, Monday



<Ticket sale date>(Japanese Instructions Only)

Available from March 30, Saturday

Ticket Pia 0570-02-9999 P-code 195-014

Lawson Ticket: 0570-084-003 L-code 72203

E-plus: (PC・mobile only)

SOGO TOKYO On-line ticket:



SOGO TOKYO 03-3405-9999

Sponsored by SOGO TOKYO

Organised by Styrism inc.